1 How to make a kite in seven steps. These are the steps: Gather the materials, Tie the frame, Tying the frame knot, Cut the sail and tie to the frame, Attach the flying string, Make a ribbon balance, Find wind and fly.
2 You will need: a plastic bag, string, two sticks, scissors and ribbon.
3 First, tie a piece of string from one side of the cross stick to the other, leaving slack to form a triangle like shown in the photo. Then, tie the end of a BIG BALL of string to the bottom of the main stick, loop under the slack cross string and tie a simple knot where the two strings cross each other.
4 Wrap the string around the back of the main stick and cross the string across the front of the cross stick. Then wrap the ends of the string back around the back of the main stick and make a single knot. Then wrap each end of the string one around either side of the front of the cross stick and back again around the back of the main stick.
5 Take the two sticks and tie them together with a piece of string. The cross stick should be tied about one third of the way along the the main stick.
6 Cut the garbage bag to fit the frame of the kite. Tie the ends of the sail to the wood frame.
7 Tie ribbons to the end of the kite in order to help balance it. You can even attach a small weight, like a washer, if the ribbons don't seem hefty enough for your kite.
8 The best way to launch the kite is to have friend hold it while you back up slowly into the wind. Have your friend let the kite go and let the string out. Or, you can just hold it and run wildly into the wind! Either way works.
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